af Exile » tors sep 29, 2016 07:34
Tak for indlæg
Til Skovene.Har spurgt hos sound2vision, de meldte desværre pas. Men tak for dit link, der får jeg da bekræftet at det igen kan lade sig gøre.
"What if there is no SP/DIF output (digital out) in our CD player, only Toslink fiber optic type ?
well, if you have a toslink - you are a lucky person. It is as good as having the SP/DIF. The toslink way of data transmission is inferior, but not by much. You are welcome to use it as it is, providing the DAC has such input.
But there is an easy way of converting the toslink to RCA or BNC output.
Just lift that PCB and look on the bottom side of the tosling transmitter. It must have at least three legs: one is ground, one is +5V DC power supply for the diode, and one is actual SPDIF signal. The toslink uses red light as a way of transmission but the data format is actually SP/DIF. Same thing!!!
So just take the signal from the data leg of the interface and wire it to a newly installed BNC or RCA connecting socket. (drill bit 10 mm). Dont forget to ground it as well. To be on a safe side - use a capacitor in series of the signal - say between 1 nF to 100 nF - type ceramic, foil, mkt, mkp, mks or even tantalum. If the signal seems to overloiad the DAC end, it is possible to add a 75 Ohm resistor between the signal and ground electrodes of the socket (RCA or BNC). This will take care of the excess amplitude and adjust the wave characteristic impedance.
The toslink may continue to work OK. The modd is easy, cheap, innocent and reversible."
Så handler det bare om at finde en der kan/vil:-)
Til Gasolin: Har også forsøgt gennem den butik der gav kontakten til Sony rep. Men det er nok 20 år siden:-)
DAD DAC10, Croft Epoch3, Exposure 4DR, Monitor Audio GS60.