Efter en fantastisk fredag med masser af nye input (rock/prog/jazz mm), er lørdagen gået i samme spor. Den fantastiske lørdag aften på terrassen med varme og smukke farver fik os til at skifte til klassisk, og denne uundværlige CD.

Peirre-Laurent Aimard – Piano
Pierre-Laurent Aimard is one of the most exciting pianists performing today. He has developed a remarkable career, performing contemporary music and collaborating closely with Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez and Gyorgy Ligeti, yet refusing to be pigeonholed as he continues to explore a broad range of music from different ages and sources.
Last year, for the second year in a row, he was nominated for a Grammy award. During the past year he has made his Carnegie Hall debut (recorded live and released on Teldec) and performed the Dvorak Piano Concerto with Nikolaus Harnoncourt and the Royal Concertgebouw (recorded live by Teldec, to be released this autumn). He has also given the world premiere of Ligeti’s 18th Etude (recorded for Teldec and released in April this year to commemorate Ligeti’s 80th birthday) and did a European tour with Alfred Brendel in which Aimard played the piano and Brendel read from a book of his own poetry entitled One Finger Too Many.
1ere serie
XIII Reflets dans l’eau (Reflections in the Water)
XIV Hommage a Rameau (Homage to Rameau)
XV Mouvement (Movement)
2ieme serie
XVI Cloches a travers les feuilles (Bells through the Leaves)
XVII Et la lune descend sur le templequi fut (And the Moon Descends on the Temple that Was)
XVIII Poissons d’or (Goldfish)
I Pour les «cinq doigts»: d’apres Monsieur Czerny (For the “Five fingers”: according to Monsieur Czerny)
II Pour les Tierces (For Thirds)
III Pour les Quartes (For Fourths)
IV Pour les Sixtes (For Sixths)
V Pour les Octaves (For Octaves)
VI Pour les huit doigts (For the Eight Fingers)
VII Pour les degres chromatiques (For the Chromatic Degrees)
VIII Pour les agrements (For Ornaments)
IX Pour les notes repetees (For Repeated Notes)
X Pour les Sonorites opposees (For Contrasting Sonorities)
XI Pour les Arpeges composes (For Composite Arpeggios)
XII Pour les accords (For Chords)
Teldec 8573839402
mvh. SES.
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also. Igor Stravinsky
Vi har alle lært at skjule vore fordomme, og vi viser ikke vore forkerte meninger. PO Enquist 1976.