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Det er en irriterende streg der er til sidst i mit dokument og jeg kan ikke bare slette den! Hvad sker der?
"There is a line in my document that I can't delete because I can't select it. How did it get there, and what can I do about it?
Although there are other possibilities, most likely what you're dealing
with is the paragraph border that Word creates when you type three or
more hyphens (-), underscore characters (_), equals signs (=),asterisks
(*), tildes (~), or hash signs (#), and press Enter. Unless you have
cleared the “Borders” check box on the AutoFormat As You Type tab of
Tools | AutoCorrect, these characters are converted to a thin, thick,
double, broken, zigzag, or thick-and-thin border at the bottom of a
To make matters more confusing, this border is applied to the paragraph
before the one where you typed the hyphens, underscores, or equals
To remove this “line,” select the paragraph above it and, in Format |
Borders and Shading, choose None; or click the down arrow beside the
Borders button on the toolbar and choose the last (No Border) option in
the palette. Alternatively, you can simply click in the offending
paragraph and press Ctrl+Q, which resets the paragraph formatting to
the default for the style.
Note: If you've pressed Enter several times trying to get rid of
the line, you will merely have applied the border formatting to all the
paragraphs you added, as well as to the original one. This won't be
obvious, because when several consecutive paragraphs have the same
“border below” formatting applied to them, the border only appears
below the last of them. So If you then remove the Border formatting
from the paragraph that has the line below it, the line will move up
one paragraph. The trick is to select all the affected paragraphs and
either press Ctrl+Q or choose No Border.
It is a good idea to turn off most of the options on the
“AutoFormat” and “AutoFormat As You Type” tabs of Tools | AutoCorrect.
For more details, see Word is always making changes I don't expect. How
can I get more control over my formatting?"
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