af Vogue » tirs dec 06, 2005 10:03
Hej Jan,
Det virker som om at spolen sænker trykket oppe ved armen, eller om man vil, at modstanden i slange-systemet øges marginalt. Alt andet lige, så må spiralens geometri (diameter) have noget med sagen at gøre, idet en lige slange på x m ellers ville have den samme effekt.
Den med haveslangen er nok ikke lige min kones kop the ... det kunne jo ende som her: (from Stereophile reveiw of MBL speakers)
Gindi also owned a Forsell turntable, the visit was always an adventure. To avoid compressor noise, air hoses of various thicknesses ran from the 'table, down the hall, and into the bathroom—which made the time water squirted from the arm's bearing all the more bizarre. The liquid had been literally squeezed from the air, as always happens when air containing water vapor is compressed, but that evening something had gone wrong with the compressor's moisture-removal system. Two images will remain with me for years to come: of water running from a hose in the bathroom and out the tonearm's air holes, and of Gindi, later that night or another, changing an LP as its static charge sucked an inch-long ash from his cigarette onto the record's surface.
Det ville i sandhed give nye dimensioner til gengivelsen af Cesars klassiker storkespringvandet.