Pierre skrev:HejsaJeg har tidligere været ejer af en B-400+ som jeg "desværre" solgte.Nå men jeg vil gerne have en Densen igen da jeg var vild med lyden fra 400+. Men hvilke af de nye modeller har samme rytme, guitareffekt og drive som 400+ havde.Ved godt at jeg bare kan købe en brugt, men vil helst have nyt.Jeg har kun lyttet til B440 af de nye, men det var på et ukendt setup, så der er ingen referance at hente der. Jeg syntes da af B400+ og XS så havde + mest guitareffekt og drive, hvor XS havde flere detaljer osv.Så er der nogle af de nye som ligger sig op ad B400+?(Har godt læst indlæget om Densen & Naim, men det gav ikke rigtigt nogle svar tilmig om de forskellige modeller.)Pierre
Mange kan vist bedst lide de gamle.
På hifi4all linker nogen til en test i australien, som har testet 410
It seems this player lacks insight. The harder one listens, the more evident it becomes there is some veiling of details and it is hard to focus completely on the music.
Exactly how this comes across depends on the music. With large ensembles – symphony orchestra, multi-layered rock and so on – it's a question of how easily one can hear the inner parts, follow what they are playing and locate them within the stereo image. With simpler music such as voice and guitar, there's a slight but irritatingly persistent ‘fog', which seems to affect the musical message more than any specific hi-fi attribute one can point to. Good piano recordings seem to lose some of the instrument's individual character, while subtle low bass lacks tunefulness and precision.
Intrigued as to what was causing this, we ran some lab tests on the player, which showed that its performance in almost every area lags current standards for decent players at a quarter the price. Jitter and distortion in particular are considerably worse than figures we've obtained for recent budget players, while noise is no better than mediocre and stop-band rejection average. We're also concerned about clock accuracy, which is very poor at 650ppm error – more than far enough from spec to prevent many DACs from locking to the B-410's digital output. Finally, mechanical noise from the transport is higher than we'd like, with both a continuous hiss and a periodic clicking noise.
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